Leading by Influence - Tim Wilke

Why it’s difficult to get people to change


One of the things that every leader / manager should know about

In this post, I will give you a short but powerful message which all leaders / managers should be aware of. And I’ll start with something that I read in a well known national newspaper a short while back.

It was about a politician who was accused of doing something illegal.  Shock and horror I know but that aside, which one of the following responses do you think that person gave one month after the alleged wrongdoing became public.

  1. I decided to change my ways.
  2. I deny doing anything wrong.
  3. I had a valid reason for doing what I did and I will continue to argue the point.

Well you’re far from the mark if you said 1 or 2 because, according to Argumentative Theory, the default option for most humans is number 3.  If you don’t believe me, just read these two articles

Why do humans reason? Arguments for an argumentative theory” by Mercier and Sperber, Journal of Behavioural and Brain Science (2011) 

The argumentative ape: Why we’re wired to persuade“, New Scientist, May 2012

So as long as humans continue to act in such a manner, they would rather justify or argue why they do what they do than change their ways or admit that they are wrong in doing it.

Therefore what hope does any business have of ever becoming really successful when it’s leaders / managers don’t take on the challenge of always looking for the means to better themselves? I’m listening.


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