Leading by Influence - Tim Wilke

Look Inside: Discovering the secret to leadership success

Look Inside: Discovering the secret to leadership success

The #1 Best Selling book in Business Mentoring & Coaching

If you love books like FISH!, Who Moved My Cheese and Raving Fans!, then you’ll enjoy the fable-like story of Look Inside: Discovering the secret to leadership success.

The two main characters, Bryon and Ruby, are similar to many of today’s managers in one particular way. They struggle in knowing what it means to be a great leader. In response, they both set off together on a journey to discover what the answer is. Unfortunately though, it’s not as easy as they first envisaged.

But eventually they put all of that behind them with the help of a most unusual fellow from The Magic Manor, who individually mentors each of them through a 5 week self-development leadership program.

By the end, one of them actually discovers the secret to leadership success. But who is it? And what is it that has been kept a secret for so long? Well, discover these answers for yourself and how to apply them to become the leader you’ve always wanted to be. To facilitate this, the book provides 1) a clearly defined process to follow; 2) a range of fun tools to make the process more enjoyable and 3) a schedule to help you keep on track.

The story of Look Inside, although targeting managers of all ages, is especially written for the young and/or adventurous at heart.  Hence the reason for it’s easy reading style and an “outside of the box” theme.