Leading by Influence - Tim Wilke

SALE of ‘Look Inside’

Look Inside: Discovering the secret to leadership success

SALE price. But only for a limited time.

In parallel with the release of my new book ‘Jane Hates Her Job: 24 sure-fire ways to motivate employees to do great work’, I’m offering everyone the opportunity to purchase my first book in the Byron and Ruby series, ‘Look Inside: Discovering the secret to leadership success’ at a reduced price. If you would like to purchase it now, click here.

If you aren’t familiar with this book, read on.

1 ‘Look Inside’ was the #1 Best Seller Book on Kindle in December 2015.

Amazon Reviews of ‘Look Inside’

Allegory about Leadership Success

5 out of 5 stars

Jamie BJ, April 13, 2019

This is an allegorical book that means to teach about leadership success through story. (I believe brain science supports that we do learn best through story.) Ruby and Byron are two managers who have different concepts of what leadership success looks like. At a fair, they visit a magical manor where they are each given a different box of leadership tools. They are told that mentors will follow up with them to help them better use the tools. Byron is the type of boss who thinks he should decree everything his employees do while Ruby is a leader who prefers to empower the people she works with. The tools in each of their boxes correlate with their managerial style.

Which one will come to appreciate what it means to be a leader and how to act on it? Will they both end up feeling that their personal style is still the right way?

The principles of success in leadership that this book espouses ring true. A boss is not a leader necessarily; unfortunately, not all bosses understand that. It takes a certain level of trust to truly lead, which is something that many would-be leaders have a hard time both engendering and allowing.

At the end, the book summarizes the key concepts and has suggestions about how to incorporate this allegorical tale into the workplace. The lessons in this book would make the workplace a better place for both employees and managers as they work together to meet the company’s needs.

A leadership book with heart

4 out of 5 stars

Sam Freeman, November 25, 2015

It is obvious from the beginning that Tim is a storyteller and someone who understands and has analysed leadership from all angles. Part JK Rowling, part Barbara Cartland, Tim uses the intimacy of relationships to contextualise the nature of leading. His insights are palpable and he sets you on a unique journey of discovery that is entertaining yet fundamentally educational. A book for all those who aspire to be “good” leaders in the truest sense of the word.

Set to become the next Big thing in Leadership Training

5 out of 5 stars

Scott, November 16, 2015

‘Look Inside’ is set to become the next big thing in leadership training for both individuals and trainers. Weaved through the storyline is a powerful leadership system as well as a step by step methodology to incorporate this system into your life. ‘ROK Star’ Tim also includes some practical tips for trainers wanting to use the book as the basis for leadership workshops.

3. Synopsis of ‘Look Inside’

If you love books like FISH!, Who Moved My Cheese and Raving Fans!, then you’ll enjoy the fable-like story of Look Inside: Discovering the secret to leadership success.

The two main characters, Bryon and Ruby, are similar to many of today’s managers in one particular way. They struggle in knowing what it means to be a great leader. In response, they both set off together on a journey to discover what the answer is. Unfortunately though, it’s not as easy as they first envisaged.

But eventually they put all of that behind them with the help of a most unusual fellow from The Magic Manor, who individually mentors each of them through a 5 week self-development leadership program.

By the end, one of them actually discovers the secret to leadership success. But who is it? And what is it that has been kept a secret for so long? Well, discover these answers for yourself and how to apply them to become the leader you’ve always wanted to be. To facilitate this, the book provides 1) a clearly defined process to follow; 2) a range of fun tools to make the process more enjoyable and 3) a schedule to help you keep on track.

The story of Look Inside, although targeting managers of all ages, is especially written for the young and/or adventurous at heart.  Hence the reason for it’s easy reading style and an “outside of the box” theme.

How to purchase my NEW book: ‘Jane Hates Her Job: 24 sure-fire ways to motivate employees to do great work

You can purchase ‘Jane Hates Her Job’ on Amazon by clicking here, where you will also find a preview of the first 3 chapters as well as a detailed review of it.

One more thing

I’d like to ask you a favour. Would you mind taking a few minutes to write a review of my new book ‘Jane Hates Her Job‘ on Amazon. Your comments help others know what they can expect to find in the book and whether they found the content helpful in their work.

If you kindly agree to my request, could you please contact me by clicking here. I will then send you an PDF of the book for you to review.

Thank you for offering to do this. I’m looking forward to reading your comments.