Leading by Influence - Tim Wilke

Something every manager should know about

Boy confused - LARGE


Why are managers / leaders still trying to work out what motivates employees to give of their best

Ever heard of the Hawthorne Experiments?

I ask because it’s more than 80 years since those Experiments, conducted by Elton Mayo and Fritz Roethlisberger, reported the following findings.

  1. Employees will perform better when they are involved in making decisions that effect them.
  2. The social and psychological needs of workers must be met if they are to be highly productive and engaged at work.
  3. Employees are largely motivated by social factors such as
  • being treated with respect and dignity;
  • having a manager / leader who actually cares about them and shows an interest in their work;
  • being part of a team.
  1. Levels of pay and monetary incentives are less important in improving employee productivity than the social factors listed above.

So it’s surprising and somewhat disappointing then that there are a considerable number of managers / leaders – even to this very day – who are still trying to work out what it takes to get employees to give of their best.  You be the judge but maybe they’ve,

  • never heard of these Experiments;
  • remain convinced that a “control and command” style of management is the best way to go, despite a great deal of evidence to the contrary or;
  • have a bad case of confirmation bias.  That is, they have a condition whereby they only listen to information that is in agreement with their existing beliefs and overlook or ignore that which does not.

I’m perplexed, so please tell me what you think the answer is.


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